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Saturday, December 31, 2005 


This has been quite the holidays. We are so pooped, the fact that this is supposed to be "vacation time" has never even occurred to us...
With Christine getting up before 5AM NO MATTER WHAT TIME SHE GOES TO BED, it makes it an even more tiring string of parties and dinners, too much food, and not enough exercise...

In case you think I exaggerate about Christine's NON-EXISTENT need for sleep, let me mention that on the 24th of December, she fell asleep in my arms at a party at 12:30AM - was put into bed at 2AM - and she was up and ready to go at 5:30AM. According to all web sites on toddlers, 3 year-olds sleep between 10 to 12 hours per day and can skip the afternoon nap. Well, she certainly does the nap skipping... but 5 hours is just fine with her too...

Baby Noor is getting surgery - she was flown into the US a few days ago and will get lifesaving surgery to fix her spina bifida. This is the kind of story I like reading. I hate the war, I hate the fact that soldiers lost their life, that civilians got killed, that no weapons of MD were found... However, if a baby girl's life was saved as a result, it brings some consolation.
Perhaps 2006 will allow us to celebrate a little more peace in the world.

Have a good one!

YEAH!!! for the baby...I too have been watching about her...those feel good stories need to be told, too...I hope you have a safe and happy new year

:)Just me

Happy New Year!!!!!! May 2006 be a great year for you and your's.

Happy New Year and I hope your daughter sleeps more this year! Really.

Yes, peace would be a nice change of pace.

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  • I'm Lolita
  • From Canada
  • Challenges... don't we all love a good challenge? University, married life, a mortgage, kids, keeping my sanity while we cruise through life at 100 MPH... why not try my hand at teaching for a year. After all, a school year is only 180 days - anyone should be able to survive 180 days, right? Well, I'm about to find out - follow my journey and enjoy my trials and tribulations as I embark in this 180 day rollercoaster ride of teenage hormones and drama, spiked with discipline, homework, exams and surprises I'm sure...
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