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Wednesday, September 28, 2005 

Day 25: Less is more : the win-win strategy

I often learn from watching (some may argue it's "spying") other teachers. I like to look at how they prepare their courses, what they bring in class, how easily they either get worked up or dismiss student behaviors...

That's how I came about today's lecture plan:
* First, finish up the material ASAP
* Then, have them complete everything related to that chapter in the biology workbook for the rest of the period while I sit back and work on my own stuff.

This is what I like to think of as the "less is more" concept - I do less talking, they do more work, and I get to prepare the material that needs to be covered in the next few lectures during class time.

I'm now re-learning all about our respiratory system (to better tell them all about it) while they are quietly (or at least semi-quietly) working on the digestive system, preparing for the upcoming test.

In my beloved corporate world, some may refer to this as a win-win strategy...

There are serious discipline issues I need to think about - I am not good at stopping the useless yapping during the lectures and their behaviour is driving me mad. I'll be thinking about that tonite, as I get to bed.

I better think fast though because my brain is shutting down for the evening...

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About me

  • I'm Lolita
  • From Canada
  • Challenges... don't we all love a good challenge? University, married life, a mortgage, kids, keeping my sanity while we cruise through life at 100 MPH... why not try my hand at teaching for a year. After all, a school year is only 180 days - anyone should be able to survive 180 days, right? Well, I'm about to find out - follow my journey and enjoy my trials and tribulations as I embark in this 180 day rollercoaster ride of teenage hormones and drama, spiked with discipline, homework, exams and surprises I'm sure...
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